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Answer all your questions

 01  What is  Japanese labor export  (Intern)?

Japanese labor export is a form of sending workers to Japan to work under the program signed between the two governments of Laos  & Japan. Those who go to Japan to legally export labor must go through one of the two management units, namely the Ministry of Labour, Invalids and Social Affairs or the sending company.




 02  What is the difference between Japanese labor export, Japanese Trainee and Technical Trainee?

The program to work in Japan has many different names such as: Japanese Labor Export, Japanese Trainee, Technical Intern... although there are many different names, they are all ONE. Currently, "Japanese Technical Intern" is the most common name for this program.




 03  Conditions to participate in the Japanese Trainee program

- Male, Female, age 19-30

- Graduated from Level 3; Intermediate; College; University

- Male 158 cm tall, weighing 50 kg or more

- Female 150 cm tall, 45 kg weight or more

- Make sure you are healthy and do not have diseases that the Japanese government does not allow entry such as hepatitis B, HIV, color blindness and other infectious diseases, etc.




 04  Documents to prepare when going to Japan to work abroad

- 3rd degree and highest degree (original)

- Curriculum vitae, household registration book, birth certificate, identity card

- Passport (passport)

- Certificate of marital status (for unmarried cases)

- Certificate of conduct

- Confirmation of criminal record

- Commitment of the trainee's family and trainees

- Health care costs:

- 4 4x6 photos (international standard: taken with a white background wearing a white shirt (men with a tie).

- For candidates who have registered/participated to work/study abroad/cultural exchange/travel/… in a foreign country, it is necessary to bring all relevant documents.



 05  The process of joining the Internship program

- Learn the program

- Register to participate / Health check

- Check input

- Entrance interview

- Opening

- Training & Orientation before the interview

- Interview with Japanese customers

- Visa application documents and procedures

- Departure to Japan

- Support 01/03/05 years in Japan

- Returning to the country to liquidate the contract

- Advice on choosing a job in Laos


 06  The process of joining the Internship program

The number of orders requiring secondary education is very small. Most are garment and construction orders. However, these orders require employees to have experience in the field they are applying for.

 07  Intern in Japanese proficiency?

Currently  is conducting training, training for about 5 months in Laos and 1 month after entry. The aim is to achieve the Japanese language proficiency level N4. However, the reality shows that it is very difficult to reach N4 level in a short time because Japanese is considered a difficult language in the entire world.
After being coordinated about the workplace, I also hope that your company will direct and guide you further so that you can improve your Japanese language ability.




 08  Time to accept interns? 

The internship period is limited from 3 to 5 years. According to the new regime, which was implemented from November 2017, some occupations require accompanying conditions, but the maximum duration is 5 years. It takes about half a year from the time of applying for the internship until being coordinated with the company. Different from recruiting seasonal Japanese workers, over the years it is necessary to have a plan to recruit interns. Unions will support this recruitment plan.​



 09  What to prepare before accepting interns?

Necessary documents for contract such as notice of working conditions, employment contract... 

The latest settlement notice (usually it is a profitable settlement, but it also depends on the exchange and discussion). The person who directs the technical intern (who has more than 5 years of working experience similar to the intern), arranges the person to direct the daily life. Prepare accommodation and dormitories (on average, a person must be over 4.5 m2). Tools and furniture used in daily life, including household electrical appliances.



 10  The treatment of interns? (During practice)

Strictly comply with the ordinances and laws related to labor (same as Japanese employees) Appropriate payment of wages (not to be paid less than the minimum wage) Participation in social insurance, unemployment insurance The use of labor time should strictly comply with 36 agreements.



 11  Need to prepare when the intern is sick and injured?

Social insurance, occupational accident insurance (types of health insurance) are applied the same as for ordinary employees, in case of diagnosis of health insurance, the individual must pay such fee. . Therefore, to supplement the fee that is not covered by public insurance, we would like to introduce joining (JITCO insurance) technical intern general insurance.

 12  About the trainee in daily life

Regarding the dormitory, housing, it is very necessary to prepare in advance from your company or enterprise. The cost of house, gas, electricity and water also depends on the area, but the actual expenses paid will not exceed 2 or 3 man (the excess money will be paid by the enterprise), for food, cooking, most of the time. All trainees cook by themselves.




 13  Which labor export orders are for Men/Women?

From 2018 Japan officially expanded from 66 to 77 occupations that are allowed to accept foreign trainees.

For Men:

- Mechanical (Welding, Turning, Milling, Planing, Stamping, Painting, Casting, Molding,...)

- Construction (Installation of reinforcement, Scaffolding, formwork, Interior decoration

- Agriculture

- Electronic

- Product inspection (Mechanical products, Plastic injection)

- Food processing, seafood processing

For Women:

- Electronic assembly

- Printing

- Industrial packaging

- Plastic molding

- Making cartons

- Food

- Agriculture

- Seafood

- Trimming vegetables

- Decorate the food

- Growing mushrooms

- Garment...


 14  How much is the monthly salary when going to Japan to work abroad?

The basic salary that employees receive is usually from 16-20 million LAK/month. This is the basic salary, excluding meals, not including overtime (overtime). After deducting expenses for meals, accommodation, living, insurance, the accumulated amount is from 12-16 million LAK/month.



 15  What diseases are not allowed to participate in Japanese labor export?

According to current regulations, there are 13 diseases that are not eligible to participate in the Japanese labor export program. Consists of:

  1. Eye diseases: night blindness, migraine, optic neuritis, retinal degeneration, cataracts, uveitis, acute eye diseases requiring treatment, grade III or higher ptosis , eyes with visual acuity have 8/10 glasses.

  2. Musculoskeletal diseases: severe osteoporosis, amputation, stage 3 spondylolisthesis, osteomyelitis, ankylosing spondylitis, rheumatoid arthritis.

  3. Cardiovascular disease: congenital heart disease, heart failure, coronary insufficiency, myocardial infarction, people with sequelae of cerebrovascular accident, complete arrhythmia, myocarditis, pacemaker wearers, thrombophlebitis arteriosclerosis, thrombophlebitis.

  4. Lung diseases: pulmonary tuberculosis, pleural effusion, pulmonary fibrosis, bronchial asthma, lung cancer, bronchiectasis, pleural adhesions, emphysema, lung abscess, chronic airway obstruction.

  5. Diseases of the digestive tract: hepatitis ABC, peptic ulcer with pyloric stenosis, cirrhosis - liver cancer, jaundice, liver abscess, splenomegaly, gallstones.

  6. Dermatophytosis: various types of scarring on the skin, psoriasis, systemic inflammatory diseases, leprosy during treatment & second degree disability sequelae, dragon scales, deep or systemic fungal infections, gonorrhea acute & chronic, mucositis, necrotizing pustulitis, HIV/AIDS, sexually transmitted diseases such as syphilis, acute gonorrhea, molluscum contagiosum.

  7. Endocrine diseases: adrenal tumors, diabetes mellitus, adrenal insufficiency, insipidus, hyper or hypothyroidism.

  8. Diseases of the kidneys and urinary tract: renal failure, urinary tract stones, nephrotic infections, fatty kidney multiple nephromas, acute or chronic pyelonephritis, acute and chronic glomerulonephritis.

  9. Neurological diseases: paralysis of one or more limbs, movement disorders, sequelae of paralysis, epilepsy, brain tumors, central or peripheral neuropathy, spinal disc herniation, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis muscle, Parkinson's disease, thymoma.

  10. Mental illness: affective disorder, histeria, schizophrenia, drug addiction and alcoholism.

  11. Genitourinary diseases: ovarian cysts, breast cancer, prostate cancer, penile & bladder cancer, cervical cancer, genital prolapse.

  12. Ear, nose and throat disease: sinusitis, unstable otitis media, nasopharyngeal tumor or cancer, nasal hemorrhoids.

  13. Dental and maxillofacial diseases: malformations of the maxillofacial region, diseases, tumors and cysts in the oral and maxillofacial region affecting health and work.



 16  If I have Tattoo(s), Can I work in Japan?

The video stipulates the health certificate for workers who have worked abroad, when you have a tattoo on your body (whether small in size or in the private area), you cannot join the program.


 17  Can I work as an ethnic minority person in Japan?

If you have Lao nationality  , you can join the Technical Internship program in Japan.

Whether you  is an ethnic minority.

 18  Can men join the Industry Intern program in Agriculture?

Recently, agriculture is one of the professions that recruit many trainees in Japan. Interns will take on the job position: planting, harvesting, sorting, packing,... Due to the specificity of the industry, working time on farms and farms usually starts early in the morning. and ends in the evening, so this application usually recruits female candidates and only recruits male candidates for jobs that require more health.




 19  Can I join the Internship program if I don't know Japanese?

How long time? Most of the candidates before joining the program did not know Japanese. When you enroll, you will receive Japanese language training. In addition, they are also trained in other necessary skills such as: Japanese working skills and style, effective working skills, personal development skills,... before the interview.

Total training time from admission to exit is 7 ~ 12 months (in which: after 1 ~ 3 months of admission, you will be nominated for an interview, if you pass the interview, you need advanced training from 4 ~ 7 more months. Thus, the earliest total time to go to Japan is 7 months from the time of admission). However, according to our experience, the longer the study period, the more stable your Japanese language ability, sense of style, and future career development plans will be for your communication as well as your work. after going to Japan.



 20  Can I work abroad if I'm married and have children?

Getting married or having children does not affect the registration of labor export in Japan. However, depending on the order, employees can choose to suit their own circumstances. But having a family or having children will have an impact on the evaluation results of Japanese employers, it is important that you have determination, show your desire to work and ensure your working process in Japan. went smoothly, committed to working quality for 3 years in Japan.



 21  Borrow a bank loan to go to work abroad

Workers preparing to export labor, families in difficulty and need to borrow capital, can contact the Bank of Laos and joint venture banks.  To apply for a loan, the main prerequisite is that you have passed the interview and signed a labor contract.

Currently, all provinces have policies to support workers to work abroad. Depending on the locality, the amount you can borrow can be 50%, 70% or 100%. For detailed information, employees can contact  banks located   to exchange details.

At TH, when a student needs a bank loan, TH Company   will support the paperwork for that student to go to the locality to get a bank loan.



 22  The secret to a successful interview to Japan

Almost all employers want high-quality human resources. Although experience and expertise are important, when interviewing employers, they are interested in the candidate's sense, confidence, and responsibility in the job as a decisive factor.

Therefore, the secret to a successful interview is that you must show your health, confidence, clearly present your goals at work, and have the will to rise.

In particular, finding out more about the company and industry you interview is also a way to show interest and desire to work to convince the employer.

 23  Can you sponsor a relative when you go to Japan to work abroad?

With a Trainee visa, you cannot sponsor your spouse and children to live with you, because the Intern Visa is licensed by the Japanese government to recruit foreign workers to work as unskilled workers. . That is, the purpose of the interns is to learn knowledge - techniques - skills as quickly as possible, not labor to earn income, so allowing to welcome relatives will slow down the progress. of the acquisition of knowledge and also contrary to the original meaning of the program.




 24  What to bring when going to work in Japan?

  • Personal papers

  • Money

  • Package

  • Personal belongings

  • Food

  • Notebook

  • Books and learning tools

  • Card photo

  • Gift

  • Morale



 25  Things to pay attention to when living and working in Japan

- Always carry important identification documents such as: Residence card; Passport copy; Address book and necessary contact phone such as: information of the receiving company, information of the Lao company sending you to work, ...

- Do the right work as agreed in the contract signed with the enterprise.

- Comply with workplace rules and regulations.

- Do not voluntarily and do not listen to the temptation to leave the workplace according to the signed labor contract.

- Refuse to do work outside the license, outside the contract. Because when the police discover that you work outside the scope of the contract, you will be fined, arrested and deported to your home country.

- When there is a dispute about the labor relationship with the employer or the honor, dignity or body is violated, the enterprise must immediately notify the sending enterprise and the Lao representative mission _cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b -136bad5cf58d_in Japan for timely support.

- Comply with the law, respect Japanese customs and practices.

- Return to the country when the labor contract is terminated within the time limit prescribed by Japanese law.

- Preserve the ethics and honor of Lao workers

- Constantly learning to improve professional qualifications and cultural understanding of indigenous people.

- Learn and practice Japanese to communicate with employers and people around.

- Pay attention to occupational safety, prevent occupational accidents.

- Be careful when signing, point only to documents that you do not understand the content.

- Keep some money needed for emergency use.

- If there is a risk, you need to seek the help of: The representative of the business that has signed a contract with you; Representative of the Laotian diplomatic mission   in the host country; Agency sending you to Japan; relatives, ... for timely support.




Special Skills Practice



 26  Find out about special skills visas in Japan

From April 2019, the Japanese Government will add another type of visa for foreign workers - called a special skill visa. So what is the difference between this visa and the technical trainee visa in Japan? The following article will help you learn more about Japan's specific skill visa.


 27  What is a Special Skills Visa?

To solve the serious labor shortage of the country. On December 8, 2018, the Japanese Government officially passed a new law allowing Japanese businesses to receive foreign workers under a new type of visa called a special skill visa. Compared with the current visa of the current technical intern program, this new type of visa has a wider range of occupations and the requirements for qualifications and expertise are also quite relaxed.

 28  Learn about the number 1 specific skill program

a. The occupation of the special skill visa category 1:

There are 14 occupations that are considered for special status visa type 1. Including:

- Build

- Car repair

- Shipbuilding industry

- Professional work in the airport

- Hotel operations

- Taking care of the elderly (maid)

- Building cleaning

- Agriculture

- Fisheries

- Food Processing

- Catering and restaurant services

- Processing raw materials

- Mechanical

- Electromechanical, electronic

In particular, the occupations that are allowed to receive workers under this special skill visa type 1 are specified in the Ordinance of the Ministry of Justice. Therefore, if Japan continues to have a shortage of workers in occupations other than those mentioned above, the list of occupations that receive workers under a specific type 1 visa will be expanded - by the addition of the Ordinance. will be easier.

b. Conditions to be granted a special skill visa type 1:

To be eligible for a Category 1 Special Skilled Visa, foreign workers need to have knowledge and practical experience for a certain period of time. Help workers after coming to Japan to be able to do certain jobs immediately without having to be trained.




 29  Learn about specific skills program No. 2

Learn about the special skills visa category 2:

a. Reception industry

Occupations that are accepted under the Category 2 Special Skills Visa include


 Ship manufacturing industry

b. Acceptance standards

The requirement for foreign workers with a Category 2 Special Skilled Visa is to be highly skilled. The qualifications, skills and skills of these workers are equivalent to or even higher than that of foreign workers working in the same industry with a technical visa.

In theory, after the end of the working period under the type 1 visa, if the foreign worker passes the exam prescribed by the Ministry of Justice, he can continue to stay in Japan under the special skill visa type 2. However, the occupations in the category 2 special-skill visa are quite limited, so the subjects of the remaining industries after the expiration of the special-skill visa type 1 will have to return home.



 30  Comparison of Category 1 and Type 2 Special Skilled Visas

The biggest difference between 2 types of skill visa type 1 and type 2 is the length of stay in Japan. The maximum period of stay in Japan for foreign workers under the special skill visa category 1 is 5 years. Meanwhile, with type 2, workers will be allowed to extend an unlimited number of times and can completely apply for a permanent resident visa, stay in Japan for a long time until retirement age and be allowed to welcome their family to Japan to live with them. (the scope of the family guarantee includes a spouse and children, not allowed to bring parents or siblings with them).


 31  How is the technical intern visa different from the specific skills visa?

1. Different in purpose:

The main purpose of the technical intern visa is that the TTS will come to Japan to work with the purpose of learning advanced Japanese techniques. Then bring it back to Laos to apply to help develop the economy.

However, in reality, if you look at JITCO's statistics, nearly 66% of enterprises that accept foreign interns are small-scale companies, so in fact, the Japanese trainee regime is not used to address labor shortage needs more than they originally meant.

In contrast, the specific skill visa has a very clear initial purpose, which is to solve the labor shortage need in Japan.

2. Nationality of labor

Currently, the Japanese government has only received skilled TTS from 15 countries that have signed agreements with Japan. Including countries: India, Indonesia, Uzebekistan, Cambodia, Srilanka, Thailand, China, Nepal, Bangladesh, Philippines, Peru, Myanmar, Mongolia, Laos, Vietnam.

In particular, special skills visa, companies can accept workers from any country. However, in order to be granted a special skill visa type 1, workers need to pass the basic Japanese language and skills test prescribed by a Japanese government agency. And now, this exam is just scheduled to be held in 8 countries: Vietnam, China, Indonesia, Thailand, Myanmar, Cambodia and 2 more countries. Therefore, in the beginning, most of the workers who come to Japan on a special-skill visa will come from the eight countries mentioned above.


3. Related parties

Because the specific skills visa is a work visa, the parties involved include only two parties, the employee and the receiving company, who have signed each other through a labor contract.

Meanwhile, the trainee visa is quite complicated with the number of participants including 5 parties. Including: trade unions in Japan, enterprises receiving interns in Japan, labor export brokers in Laos, workers, technical intern support agencies.



 32  Is it possible to convert a trainee visa to a Japan specific skill visa?

Type 1 Special Skilled Visa, which is not related to the technical intern trainee program, so as long as a worker meets the two conditions below, he or she can go to Japan as a trainee or not. Japan under the specific skill visa.

  1.  Able to speak Japanese at normal conversation level, enough for daily living.

  2.  Pass the prescribed knowledge and experience test

In particular, trainees who have completed a 3-year program in Japan, do not need to take the above exam, and still be recognized as having sufficient Japanese language ability and the basic skills and experiences that a skill visa requires. Type 1 specification required.

The workers who have completed the trainee program can then stay in Japan to convert to a special skill visa or have to return to Laos  and reapply from the beginning, there is currently no available detailed instructions.

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